Monday, December 22, 2008

Cyber Space Pens - Did You Hear the News?

Just in case you missed it, there is a new Fisher Space Pen in town.  Some wonder how it could have taken this long for Fisher Pens to get around to making a bullet pen out of a real shell casing, but it doesn’t matter, because it’s here.  The .375 H&H Bullet Pen is capped pen that uses the .375 Mag Shell case as the cap.

Okay, for those of us who know nothing about guns and bullets …. what is a .375 H&H Mag Shell Case?  Thank you Wikipedia - I have my answer.  The “.375″ refers to the bullet diameter.  The “H&H” stands for Holland & Holland,  the British Company who introduced this bullet in 1912. The “Magnum” part basically means it carries a big boom.  The “Case” means you have the shell without the inside part that carries the big boom.  So, it could be referred to as the .375 Diameter Holland & Holland Big Boom Bullet Shell Pen … kind of fun to say, but not very practical.

If you look at at a real .375 H&H Mag rifle round and then you look at this pen … it’s pretty neat.  Go ahead, look up an image and compare.  Wikipedia also informs me that the maximum cartridge length is 3.6 inches and the Bullet Pen comes in at just under 4 inches (with the lid on).  Not too shabby.

Now don’t you just want to buy this for someone?  You might be a little late for Christmas, but it’s always somebody’s birthday!  Keep this Bullet Pen in mind!

Cyber Space Pens Team

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